Product and Services

Money Market


Money market is a component of the financial markets for assets involved in short-term acceptance and placement with original maturities up to one year.


Money market instruments

  • Short-term money market instruments


  • Tawarruq Deposit

Tawarruq Deposit (Based on Tawarruq principle)


Tawarruq Deposit (TWD) is a deposit product based on the Bai’ Tawarruq. BPMB shall solicit deposits from depositors and this Islamic fund is utilized for financing purposes or other investment, which are Shariah compliant.


TWD is a sale of an asset to a purchaser with deferred payment based on Murabahah concept. The purchaser then sells the asset to the third party on cash basis.




To cater the fixed return for depositor


To cater the structured deposit 


Underlying Asset:


Crude palm oil or such other Shariah compliant commodities from suppliers registered in commodity market.


Deposit Size :


Minimum : RM500,000.00.


Trading Fees :

* Commodity Trading fees is borne by BPMB.

* Delivery charges (if any) are actual fee imposed by commodities supplier to be paid by depositors.




Minimum: Overnight

Maximum: 60 months


Tawarruq FD Rates:

1M (30 days) 3.20
2M (60 days) 3.25
3M (90 days) 3.35
6M (180 days) 3.40
9M (270 days) 3.55
12M 3.60

Pre-Mature Upliftment/Withdrawal:


Zero profit.  

Terms and Conditions for Tawarruq Deposit (TWD)