Working Capital Scheme

Financing solution to bridge business operational requirements to support its business continuity and survivability as well as to support kick-start business operations scaled-down or affected by the Covid19 pandemic or the related containment measures imposed.


Industry Digitalisation
Transformation Scheme

Sustainable Development
Financing Scheme

Tourism Infrastructure

Maritime, Logistics and Transportation Scheme

Working Capital Scheme (WCS) is a new financing initiative by BPMB to support the Government’s agenda in
sustaining medium-sized companies by providing liquidity to support the business continuity and
survivability, to further boost economic activities as part of post pandemic economic recovery for those
affected by Covid-19 containment measures


Fund Size

RM 500.0 Million

Financing Purpose & Tenure

Operating Expenditure (OPEX)

Up to 3 Years

Financing Amount

  • Minimum RM5 million
  • Maximum up to RM50 million

*All application is subject to credit assessments and BPMB’s policies. For financing application that exceeds the maximum amount can be considered on case-to-case basis. The final approved financing amount is up to BPMB’s discretion.

Financing Rate


Effective Rate

5.0% per annum

  • Partnership, Private Limited or Public Company.
  • Business is registered and incorporated in Malaysia.
  • Business with minimum 51% ownership by Malaysian.
  • Business must be in operation at least 3 years.

Note: All application is subject to credit assessments and BPMB’s policies and the final approved financing is up to BPMB’s discretion.

  • Revolving Facility i.e. Tawarruq Revolving Working Capital

The Working Capital Scheme is for financing of Operating Expenditure (OPEX) such as:

  • Payment of salaries and wages
  • Payment of operating expenses such as rental, utility bills and general expenses
  • Payment to suppliers or vendor

Note: All application is subject to credit assessments and BPMB’s policies and the final approved financing is up to BPMB’s discretion.

  • Up to 85% of each progressive claim / invoice amount; or
  • Up to 30% of total project cost, capped at RM50.0 million whichever is lower

Note: All application is subject to credit assessments and BPMB’s policies and the final approved financing is up to BPMB’s discretion.

  • 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2025

Interested in Working Capital Scheme?